
Training provides both Peace Officers and Licensed Security with training on various handcuffing options available both for a cooperative subject and on the ground.  Training also includes fine motor skills for proper handcuffing procedures and options, cautions, handcuff selection, and common trouble areas. Both PPCT speed cuffing and OPC method of handcuffing training is available.

  • Types of Subjects to be Encountered
  • Tactical Considerations
  • Handcuffing Myths
  • Handcuff Selection and Types
  • Handcuff Maintenance
  • Handcuff Grip
  • Handcuffing Positions; Standing, Kneeling, and Prone
  • Proper Searching Techniques

Flex Cuffing

Flex Cuffing is for Peace Officers only in the province of Ontario. Flex Cuffing provides training with the ASP Flex-cuff, Tri-Fold. The Tri-Fold Flex-cuff by ASP is specifically designed for Officers dealing with civil disorder, civil unrest situations, riots, and used by many rapid response teams. Ideal for larger subjects or multiple arrest situations.

  • Tactical Considerations
  • Main Components of the ASP Tri-Fold
  • Advantages and Highlights
  • Cautions in the Field
  • Proper Application
  • Handcuffing Positions; Standing, Kneeling, and Prone
  • Proper Searching Techniques

For a free consultation on the phone or to schedule a meeting, Contact Us

Universal Training Solutions Inc.